Do you want to develop you Applicaion on Ubuntu? Looking for how to Setup development environment? And your OS is Ubuntu? No worry you are now in right place. Just follow:

Step-1. Install JDK

sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

If you get error related to “not found” then try following:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb lucid partner"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install sun-java6-jdk

Step-2. Goto your desktop menu and Install Eclipse IDE from there

Applications -> Ubuntu Software Center -> Get Software -> Developer Tools -> IDEs -> Eclipse

step-3. Open Terminal from Desktop menu Applications -> Accessories -> Terminal

sudo apt-get install eclipse-pde

Step-4. Download Android SDK and Extract it. Keep it in a place where ever you like. Location need be integrated with Eclipse next.

Step-5. Open Eclipse from desktop menu Application -> programming -> Eclipse then Goto

Window -> Preferences -> Install/Update -> Available Software -> Add -- Name (ex: Android) -- Location (

Add the link there.

step-6. In Eclipse Goto Help -> Install New Software -> From the dropdown select Android Repository -> Check “Developer Tools” -> Next -> Next -> Finish this.

You will probably ask for restarting Eclipse . Restart it.

step-7. Goto Window -> Preferences -> Android -> Browse your SDK location -> Apply, Ok

step-8. Goto Window -> See a new option created “Android SDK and AVD Manager” -> Available Packages -> Install Selected

Select your desired SDK or SDK’s , API , Documentation and Install those.

Now Enjoy your Android application developments.
